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Odette Dick's Swan Song From Kishniya

This stunning "Sly" daughter is from a beautiful litter that Patti and Janis bred. Patti graciously allowed Kayo and I to own and treasure this beautiful coquette of a Borzoi girl.  We will incorporate Odette into our future breeding program at Sedona Borzoi.


Miss Odette lives with Kayo in Florida and is co-owned by Kayo, Tamara and Patti.  Her pedigree is a beautiful blending of old Sirhan, Crescent, Kishniga and Echovesna.


As caretakers of the breed, we feel honored and blessed to be able to preserve this historic lineage by infusing Odettes pedigree into our breeding program as we strive to maintain the stunning "typey" Borzoi we have come to love and admire!



Truly this regal Borzoi Princess deserves a throne!  Her stunning type is unmistakable and shall be forever cherished!

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The lovely Auntie Odette with her sister Zillia after her trip from New York to Kayo's home in Florida.  These two play like they are littermates!  

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