I feel blessed to have had such quality sire and dam for my first litter at Sedona Borzoi. This was a co-breeding with Phantom Lake Borzoi, therefore half the litter have registered names with only Sedona Borzoi and the other half Phantom Lake. This allowed me to establish my kennel on it's own from the start but the entire litter is a tribute to their parents.
A very accomplished litter! This litter produced 7 champions, 2 Grand Champions, 2 Group Winning and Top Ranking Borzoi in the Nation. We are very proud of their accomplishments.
The #1 Breeder/Owner Handled Borzoi for 2007 - Cooper
#4 Breed #5 All Breed Borzoi for 2007 Cooper - Exclusively Breeder/Owner Handled!
2007 Eukanuba National Championship - Best Bred By Exhibitor and AOE - Cooper
The #11 Borzoi for 2006 shown only 16 times that year - Lexi
The #7 Breed #10 All Breed Borzoi for 2008 - Cooper
7 American Champions, 2 Canadian Champions, Specialty Best In Show,
Best Opposite In Specialty and Best Bred By In Specialty Winners'
2 with their Int'l Championships
MBISS Am Can GCH Sedona Cloud Dancer
Cooper was a top ranked Borzoi in the United States for 3 years. In 2007 shown exclusively owner handled, he was the #1 Borzoi owner handled in the All Breed competition, #4 Borzoi Breed and #5 Borzoi All Breed stats. During his career Cooper had 130 Best of Breed wins, 2 SPECIALTY BEST IN SHOWS, Group One wins and Group placements. He set the standard for our breeding program and was my show buddy and heart dog.

CH Sedona Winter Karma
Calvin was the first puppy out of the womb and has been my heart dog ever since. Calvin has a wonderfully sound structure with lovely type, perfect tail with nice low carriage, rich dark eyes, perfectly sound coming and going, wonderful sidegait and an exquisite head. He inherited his father's rich flowing coat and sweet, sweet personality. During his show career, Calvin was awarded Best Bred by Exhibitor at the Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty.
CH Sedona Thundering Sky
Skyler is the one who was so big he got stuck in the birth canal and caused an emergency C-section!. He is truly his father's son. A big baby, he will always be a puppy as he crawls into stranger's laps. Skyler started off with a bang taking a major at his first show from the puppy class! He finished with 4 majors taking ack to back majors at the prestigious Seattle Kennel Club show!

Sedona Golden Rain
Briana had acquired 13 points and both majors before she left us only needing 2 singles for her championship - she is still a champion in our eyes though! She is pictured here the year of her passing winning her last time in the ring under judge Marjorie Martorella. We thank Ms. Martorella for this win. We treasure this picture of our stunning girl. It was the last photo taken of her before she lept over the Rainbow bridge. Sleep well my beauty. We will be together again some day and I will welcome your nibble kisses - Mom.
Sedona Gypsy Moon
This stunning bitch, reminiscent of her mother Vamp, lived with her sister Angel in Arizona at Dashadon Borzoi. She was singled out and just needed her majors to finish but had not been shown in several years. To our disappointment this lovely girl never achieved her championship.

Sedona Crystal Wind
Angel lived in Arizona at Dashadon Borzoi with her sister Gypsy and only needed one major to finish. Unfortunately this stunning bitch was never shown to finnish her championship.
Sedona Snow Flurry
Flurry was truly the miracle in the litter. He weighed only 8 ounces when born and could not hold himself up to suckle. He had pneumonia twice as a newborn and almost died. To top it off, we found out a bit later that he had a fracture of the illium of the pelvis at birth which is why he had challenges nursing. Flurry is alive today because of my wonderful husband Jeff! He stayed up all night with Flurry to make sure he got collostrum from his mom by holding him up to suckle and hand fed him during his two bouts with pneumonia. Flurry is full of spark and has a zest for life unmatched by any of his littermates. He grew up to be robust and healthy but could not be shown as he had a "hitch in his get-along" from his fractured pelvis.

GCH Phantom Lk Tamazar Lightning
Lexi has lived up to her name, finishing in 2006 as the # 11 Borzoi All Breed Systems in the United States. She was only shown 16 times that year. Lexi acquired both of her majors by taking two Group I's from the classes in tough competition. Lexi now has 3 Group I's to her credit! She also won an AOM at the prestigious Lompoc Hound Specialty under breeder judge Patti Neale.
CH Phantom Lake Tamazar Reigns
Mimi lived with Steven and Diana Kass of Tamazar Borzoi in Bellingham Washington. She is a female version of her brother Calvin and finished her championship in style going WB/BOW and Best Of Breed over her brother Cooper for her final major!

CH Palir Reign O' Fire Phantom L
Rainy lived in Boise Idaho with her Mom Julie Levitt of Palir Borzoi. She took after her mom Vamp with loverly structure, stunning head, full dentition/scissors bite a sweeping topline and fluid movement.  Rainey finnished her championship easily shown by Julie. She was sooo adventurous that she once climbed a tree while chasing a racoon and had to be rescued from the tree by the fire department!
CH Palir Mist O' Reign Phantom L
Drizzle lived in Idaho with Julie Levitt of Palir Borzoi and his sister Rainey. He finished his championship easily and is now relaxing on the couch.